Our Story
The community was named after a Spanish man named Casamero who lived near the lake; he wanted the community named after him.
It is said the early community meetings were held in a Hogan until the first chapter house was built. The meetings were generally conducted by a man named Incly Begay. People walked to the meetings or came on horseback and wagons. Meeting in the early days dealt with dam building and repair, plowing, sheep-dipping, etc. Mr. Begay later gave a portion of his livestock grazing area to the chapter to build a meeting house. A new chapter house was built in 1980; this building also includes a warehouse.
The primary school was started in a small trailer with only eight (8) students. They were taught by Mormons. Recently, a new school was built with a gym and additions to accommodate the seventh and eighth graders.
There are no telephone communication services in the community. There might be some progress on this with the Navajo Communications Company in the near future; although some community folks now have access to cellular phones which has help fill in the service gap.
April 15, 2015 – Casamero Lake became the 42nd LGA Certified Chapter.
Chapter Calendar
Chapter Location
Chapter Staff
Jerry Bodie, President
Daniel Welletto, Vice President
Vacant, Sec/Treasurer
Robert Delgarito, Landboard Member
George H. Tolth, Council Delegate
Kimberly Lister, Chapter Manager
Judy Rafael, Administrative Assistant
Vacant, Community Health Representative
Chapter Rentals
$53.00 (Includes NN Tax) + $100.00 Security Deposit
$53.00 (Includes NN Tax) + $100.00 Security Deposit
Water Card (Registered Voters Only)
$35.00 / Month (250 Gallon Limit Per Day)
Equipment Rental
*Renter Responsible for Fuel Purchasing*
Motor Grader
$80.00 / Hr – Registered Voters
$100.00 / Hr – Non Registered Voters
Back Hoe
$150.00 / for 4 Hrs – Registered Voters
$100.00 / Hr – Non Registered Voters
$40.00 / Day
$30.00 Additional Day
$50.00 / Day
$30.00 Additonal Day
Business Hours
COVID-19 Hours
Monday – Closed
Tuesday – 10am-2pm
Wednesday -10am-2pm
Thursday -10am-2pm
Friday – Closed